Dentistry is an extremely demanding course and you may feel you are struggling with the workload or the academic assignments you are expected to complete.

If you are having difficulties, do not suffer in silence; you should arrange to discuss any issues with your tutor as they will be able to help you. When you arrive at university you will also be allocated a personal tutor; do not hesitate to contact this person if you are having any difficulties.

Universities also offer skills courses which are usually run by the library; these programmes offer the chance to develop certain skills such as public speaking or essay writing and they are all free of charge.


If you are struggling to do your work due to factors such as illness, stress or bereavement, you should contact your personal tutor or the welfare tutor for your department; they will be able to offer you advice and support and help with getting the problems sorted.

If you are not coping and are genuinely struggling, you may be able to extend deadlines or claim extenuating circumstances, which may mean your work or examinations, may be marked more leniently than usual.